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成长,教育和体验式学习给丹尼尔奥尔蒂斯' 20全球视野

Perspective is a beautiful thing. Ask Daniel Ortiz. 这位2020年院长名单和圣家族大学的优等生将他的家庭多样性归功于他的家庭, the challenges of his autism spectrum disorder, 以及他在全球费城协会的实习经历,让他对世界有了独特的优势, and its endless possibilities, at such a young age.


十大网络彩票平台大全(Holy Family University)目前正在接受其新的低住校率美术创意写作硕士课程的申请, 哪一所学校将在2024年夏天迎来第一批学生.  Created by professor Keith Kopka, Ph.D., 英语副教授,MFA项目主任, himself an award-winning poet, 混合课程(在线,短期驻留期)侧重于教师指导和身临其境的体验式学习, craft-focused instruction in fiction, poetry, nonfiction, young adult, travel writing, food writing and more.

圣家族毕业生和校友会董事会成员梅根·拉库斯19岁, M’22 Hatches Award-Winning Lesson; Grows Love of Learning

At 11 p.m. on a spring evening in 2023, the teacher app on Meghan Rakus’ (’19, M’22) phone started receiving messages.  “The chicks are hatching!圣玛丽教区学校(SMIPS)十大网络彩票平台大全一年级毕业生的家长, 位于费城历史街区的2023年和2016年国家蓝带卓越学校, 和他们六岁的孩子一样兴奋地伸出手来. 这要归功于一个直播,它是一种让家庭参与进来的方式, 家长们可以在学校一年一度的鸡蛋孵化科学课上分享, which Rakus has bolstered over the last five years.  The lesson, in fact, 最近获得了费城东北部本地人的认可,被评为五名“杰出教师创新奖”之一, creativity, and commitment to the students they serve” by FACTS, a Nelnet school management company. Rakus’ distinction, from among more than 100 applicants nationwide, included a $5,000 honorarium, a $1,000 donation to SMIPS, 免费参加在亚特兰大举行的2024年Elevate大会, Ga.在那里,她将向FACTS社区展示她的创新概念.